Always stay one step ahead

See every shipment in real-time and say goodbye to late notifications you should have received yesterday.
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Save up to 35% of your time on a weekly basis

Based on importers or exporters who ship over 100 containers annually
Traditional freight forwarder
Track shipments manually from different websites and sources.
Plan your transport based on outdated email communication and spreadsheets
Communicate back and forth about missing documents and miss shipment deadlines.
Find out about delays too late, then attempt to adjust plans based on delayed notifications.
Manually input arrival times into different spreadsheets or ERP systems.
3 hours
Receive suppliers documents attached to separate and unstructured emails.
3 hours
2.5 days
Track shipments in real-time across all carriers and terminals.
10 min
Proactively plan your transports with up-to-date tracking information.
5 min
Never forget your crucial documents with automated tasks and reminders.
1 min
Proactively receive alerts about any shipment delays or exceptions.
10 min
Integrate your systems with Shypple to automatically receive the latest updates
1 minute
Centralize supplier communication and documentation on one platform.
30 minutes
1 hour

Keep your supply chain cool

Stay in charge of your perishables shipping with proactive updates, automate your daily checks, and finally get the overview you've always wanted.
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One central, easy-to-use view of all the cargo that needs to be picked up or delivered.
Transport page

Stay one step ahead of all your shipments

Get instant access to ETDs, ETAs, container discharges, customs scans, so you can plan your next steps and prevent potential delays.

Benefit from top-notch tracking

Our 3 layers tracking system gives shippers the accuracy they needed all along. Data from different sources are combined to ensure accurate hourly updates.

Your documents are always at hand

Store necessary documents like Phyto or EUR1 for easy access by all parties.

Book shipments in seconds, not hours

Choose between ocean or air freight, or opt for services only.

Select the terms you need, and receive immediate quotes and rates based on your needs.

No more useless back-and-forth

Everyone is on the same page on what comes  next, which documents are needed, and when the shipment will arrive.

All teams on the same page, always

Forget about digging through emails for the most recent updates.

Everyone involved in the shipment can easily check the latest updates.

Analyse your supply chain

Take a moment to review your shipment costs, shipment emissions or the reliability of your chosen carrier.

Remove the need to move between different systems

No more hopping between different systems. You’ll still access our great tracking, but now in your own ERP or  management system.
Don’t worry, ship happy

That's smooth sailing

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